Ardoin's Funeral Homes
Augie's Maple Avenue Pharmacy and Gifts
Basile State Bank
Brian and Becky Tanner
Catholic Community: St. Anthony, St. Mathilda, and St. Thomas More
Charice M Hebert MD & Richard L Hebert MD
Charles Aguillard Agency, Inc.
Chuck & Lise Richard
City of Eunice
Clara Pitre
Clay Duos, DDS
Cypress Grove
Darnall, Sikes and Frederick, A Corporation of Certified Public Accountants
David Ltd. Hair and Nail Salon
Don & Debbie Leonards
Donald Richard Jr. and Donald Mayeux, Attorneys at Law
Double Action Outdoor Sports
Dugas, Soileau & Breaux, Certified Public Accountants
Eunice Manor Nursing Home
ECCBC Alto Section
Eunice Medical Laboratory, Inc.
Eunice Players' Theatre
Eunice Rotary Club
Falcon Rice Mill, Crowley
First Baptist Church, Eunice
Fruge Family Chiropractic
Guillory Oil Company
Hancock Whitney
JD Bank
Jacque B. Pucheu, Jr., Attorney at Law
Jed & Cindy Reviere
Kenneth Pitre
David Harper State Farm
Kermen D. Beauchamp, M.D.
Lakeview Park & Beach
Louisiana Academy of Beauty
L&L Sandblasting
LSU Eunice
Monty Heinen MDFACOG
New York Life, Dossman & Jodon
Petals & Pots
Picou's Drug Store
Reed Gas
Reginald & Kathleen Segar
Rice City Designs
Rice Palace (Crowley)
Rhonda Fink Moser, O.D., Sarah Moser Fruge', O.D.
Smith Family Chiropractic & Wellness, LLC
Smith True Value Hardware
Superior Water
The Flower House
Tim P. Fontenot DDS & Tim S. Fontenot DDS
Tobacco Plus
Tommy Hillman DDS & Kathy Tracy MD
Trosclair Photography and Video Service
Troy Breaux
Vige, Tujague, & Noel Certified Public Accountants
Washington State Bank
Woodmen Life
Zeb Stearns, MD
Donations of $25 or more are acknowledged with advertising space in our concert program. If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact us at 337/457-1776. Or, you can simply make your check payable to "ECCBC" and mail it to 351 W Maple Ave, Eunice, LA 70535. Remember, donations are tax-deductible.
Thank you for your interest in the ECCBC!